Ambleside Surgery 015394 32693

Hawkshead Medical Practice 015394 36246

Lines open 8.00am to 6.30pm

Appointment bookings from 8.30am

Changes to practice opening hours this week

Please note that there will be several changes to practice opening hours this week.

-We will be closed from 13:00 on Wednesday 11th September for staff training. If you need assistance during this time, please contact 111, or 999 in an emergency.

– On Thursday 12th September, we will be providing a slightly reduced service so that staff can attend the funeral of a colleague. Hawkshead Surgery will be closed in the morning, and all calls will be picked up by the team at Ambleside, where GP appointments will be available both in-person and over the phone. Thanks for bearing with us during this difficult time.

We’ll be back open again as normal at both sites on Friday 13th September.