Ambleside Surgery 015394 32693

Hawkshead Medical Practice 015394 36246

Lines open 8.00am to 6.30pm

Seasonal influenza and COVID vaccinations

It’s the time of the year for seasonal flu and COVID booster vaccinations. 

Flu vaccination is available for pregnant patients (at any stage of pregnancy) and children aged 2-3 in September 2024.

From October 2024, all eligible cohorts will be able to have their flu vaccination.

We will be offering COVID vaccinations from October 2024, and are hoping to give these at the same time as our influenza vaccinations.

All eligible patients will be invited for vaccination.

You are eligible for a free covid and flu vaccination if:

  • You are over 65 years of age
  • You are pregnant
  • You are a care home resident
  • You are a frontline NHS or social care worker, and working in care homes for older people.

If you are over 16, you are eligible for these vaccinations if:

  • You have a chronic respiratory disease, like steroid/tablet controlled asthma, or COPD
  • Have a heart failure or coronary heart disease
  • Have chronic kidney disease
  • Have chronic liver disease, e.g. hepatitis or cirrhosis
  • Have chronic neurological disease, such as MS, MND, Parkinsons, or Cerebral Palsy
  • Have diabetes melliutus or Addisons
  • Have a weakened immune system, for example are undergoing chemotherapy or other immunosuppressing treatments, or have HIV.
  • You have had your spleen removed, or have conditions linked to your spleen like sickle cell
  • Have severe mental illness
  • Have a body mass index of 40 or higher

Some people are eligible for one vaccination, but not necessarily the other.

Eligible for flu, but not COVID:

  • In receipt of carers allowance
  • A household contact of someone with immunosuppression
  • A main carer for an elderly or disabled person.

Eligible for COVID, but not flu:

  • Over 16 with Epilepsy
  • Undergoing long-term immunosuppressing treatment for IBS or Scleroderma
  • Have severe mental illness

Please get in contact with any queries or concerns and we’ll do our best to help.