Urgent appointments
- Phone us Monday to Friday, from 8:30am
- 015394 32693 for Ambleside Health Centre
- 01539 436246 for Hawkshead Surgery
When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.
We will use the information to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or person to help you.
Routine appointments
- use an online form to request an appointment.
- Phone us Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 6pm
- Call 015394 32693 for Ambleside or 01539 436246 for Hawkshead.
- Visit the surgery and speak with a receptionist. Our reception is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 6pm.
- Use the NHS App (on the NHS website or in the NHS app) to book a screening test or vaccination.
When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.
We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.
Your appointment
However you choose to contact us we may offer you a consultation:
- by phone
- face to face at the surgery
- on a video call
Requesting information or advice
You can also use an online form to request other information or advice (for example requesting a sick note, asking questions about medications, queries about referrals or documents, seeking help for a non-urgent medical condition). This we be replied to within two working days. For urgent queries, please phone the surgery instead.
The information provided will be actioned appropriately. This might be booking an appointment with a clinician, or us sending you information or documents.
- Use your NHS account (on the NHS website or in the NHS app) or other apps to cancel your appointment.
- Please call the practice to cancel or change your appointment as soon as you know you won’t be able to attend
We have Enhanced Access appointments on two evenings (normally Tuesdays, running until 8pm) and on Saturday (9am-5pm) in a six-week period. In addition, there are some remote clinics that we can book patients in too.
If the situation is an emergency or life-threatening, dial 999 and ask for an ambulance.
Please call NHS 111 for urgent medical advice.
For children under 5, phone 111.
For people aged 5 and over, go to the 111.nhs.uk website.
You can go to the Accident and Emergency departments at Royal Lancaster Infirmary or Furness General Hospital.
You can also go to the Urgent Treatment Centre in Kendal . This offers patient assessment and treatment for a wide range of non-life threatening conditions from strains and sprains to broken bones and minor illnesses. Various assessments such as x-rays are available between the hours of 9am-8pm. Appointments can be pre-booked via NHS 111.
Please tell us:
- If there’s a specific doctor, nurse, or other health professional you would prefer to respond.
- If you would prefer to consult with the doctor or nurse by phone, face-to-face, by video call, or by text or email.
- If you need an interpreter.
- If you have any other access or communication needs.
If you can get to the surgery, please do so. Home visits in an area such as ours are very time consuming. Should you need a home visit please try to ring before 10.00am it helps with planning the day’s work.
When requesting a home visit, be ready to give our team some idea of your symptoms so that the doctor can judge the urgency of the call.